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KU Online MBA Blog

Explore the differences between an MBA and a graduate business degree so you can make a decision about which to choose.
Explore how long it takes to get a business administration degree at different educational levels.
Learn how to reach target audiences and successfully sell products through effective product marketing.
Explore the exciting world of emerging technologies including the latest trends and their impact on business.
Learn about international market operations and other factors that could affect your business when expanding into the global market.
Explore the models for ethical decision-making and the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social impact initiatives in promoting beneficial results for both businesses and communities.
Explores several financial management and accounting strategies for business growth.
Discover frameworks firms can use to conduct competitor research, create effective business competition strategies, and gain an advantage over their rivals.
Explore business negotiation techniques and strategies you can apply to any sales situation.
Explore how a product management MBA can help you learn the skills you need to create successful products using effective product management strategies.
Explore how businesses can effectively implement a digital transformation.
Examine how to develop effective strategies to streamline operations and optimize supply chains.
Explore best practices for customer experience and relationship management, including relevant case studies.
Explore the future of work, emerging trends, and abundant opportunities for professionals. Prepare for the evolving workplace landscape today.
Learn about best practices to promote workplace wellness.
Explore applications of data science in businesses, including predictive analytics, customer analytics, and process optimization, and learn why businesses—such as Netflix tightly—guard their data.
Discover methods for generating innovative startup ideas and learn more about fundraising for creative concepts to help unleash your potential for success in entrepreneurship.
Discover sustainable investing strategies and best practices. Make a positive impact through ESG integration and engagement. Invest sustainably for a better future.
Learn how earning your Master of Business Administration doesn't just open doors it also sharpens skills and insights that can set you apart as you grow your business career.
Discover how Vanessa Codwin, MBA ‘24, is balancing aerospace, piloting, and KU's online MBA program in this student spotlight.
Learn about the four social media zones and how they play into successful digital and social media marketing campaigns.
Learn about the essential skills and strategies that can help you thrive as a leader or team manager.
Learn about diversity, equity, and inclusion for meaningful change in organizations. Apply for KU's online MBA today to advance your business leadership career.
Gain valuable knowledge on how to harness the strengths of your team members, and empower them to achieve their full potential.
The University of Kansas School of Business online MBA just rose to the number seven spot in the U.S. News & World Report 2023 rankings out of more than 1,800 regionally accredited institutions offering online programs. The KU program also climbed to the number five rank in the Best Online MBA Programs for Veterans category.
The cost of equity is a central variable in financial decision-making for businesses and investors. Knowing the cost of equity will help you in the effort to raise capital for your business by understanding the typical return that the market demands on a similar investment. Additionally, the cost of equity represents the required rate of return on a project or capital investment to generate profit.
"Going public" is an important growth milestone for many companies and a dream of entrepreneurs around the world. IPOs, SPACs and direct listings are all methods for accessing the public equity markets. This blog provides a discussion of the pros and cons of taking a private company public and an introduction to these methods of doing so.
Jeremiah Nast is an admissions advisor for the University of Kansas online MBA program. He spends his workday helping prospective students prepare their application materials and connecting them with helpful resources. Read more about the insights Jeremiah has gained about why students choose KU, common concerns they have before starting, and their reflections after going through the program.
Raising capital is something that you may have to do at any point in a business’s life cycle. Whether your business is large or small, young or mature, there are several reasons you may want to raise capital. There are also many ways to do a “capital raise.” This post lists different strategies for raising capital, defines some terms you should understand, and looks at which strategies are available for different stages of company growth.
In an increasingly competitive job market, many working professionals ask the question: Should I get a master’s in business administration (MBA)? An MBA, whether it's a traditional program or an online MBA program, can open new job opportunities and help you advance in your career.
Read on to learn what the key elements of a strategic business plan are that support these three topics and learn how to write a strategic business plan that can help boost your company’s success.
Learn the differences between Master of Engineering Management (MEM) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees.
Learn about the value of an MBA, why you should consider an online MBA as opposed to an in-person program, and what the cost is for an online versus in-person MBA.
While it’s absolutely worthwhile to obtain an online MBA because the degree can increase your professional connections, salary, and career opportunities, MBAs do cost money. One way to offset the cost of an online MBA is to obtain one, or more, scholarships.
Today, there are many MBA programs rethinking whether a standardized test is the best option to measure applicants’ aptitude and likelihood to succeed, and many are offering alternatives or foregoing the test altogether. Find out more about the history of the GMAT, what the test is like today, and how you can get an online MBA without a GMAT score.
Reputations are persuasive because they represent an executive summary of several significant criteria. By understanding those criteria, you gain a more complete view of the specific benefits offered by various programs.
You’re looking for an MBA program: comparing curricula, tuition rates, and faculty specialties, and considering the impact that your degree will have on your life and career. You can derive long-term benefit from a strong alumni network—the organization comprised of a program’s graduates—so be sure to factor that into your thought process.
We recently had the pleasure of talking with Maura Durkin, MBA ’22 candidate, who was eloquent about the effect that KU’s online MBA program is already having on her working life.
Students in the University of Kansas online MBA program come from a variety of different fields, backgrounds and cultures in pursuit of an outstanding business education. Our faculty combine educational excellence with cutting-edge research, creating a deeply engaging learning environment throughout the program.
We recently had the pleasure of talking with Maura Durkin, MBA ’22 candidate, and hearing about her journey into the world of finance and the KU online MBA program. She spoke passionately about her ties to KU and the compelling experience of joining the Jayhawk community.
You’re motivated to earn your MBA online. You have a job, a family—a busy life—and one of the many things you’re wondering about graduate school is how to manage your time. The KU School of Business is here to help.
The choice between earning a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation or an MBA is one that many struggle with, especially if they’re considering a career on the financial side of business. The choice that’s right for you depends on your interests, likes and dislikes, and the trajectory of your career.
There is no denying that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected people from all around the world. Despite the difficulties, more and more people are finding that they enjoy working from home, learning to do their jobs onli...
If you’re interested in becoming a globally recognized business leader, you’ll need a strategy to establish yourself as an authority both domestically and abroad. Since many of the world’s most prominent business lea...
Earning a graduate degree is a helpful means to expand your professional prospects and take the next step in your current job. It can also provide you with an opportunity to start a completely new career. A master’s in business administration (MBA) is one of the most versatile and marketable gradu...
There are many excellent reasons to pursue an MBA, but students from diverse backgrounds share a common concern: How am I going to pay for this? Don’t let financial considerations deter your plans for education and career success. Many companies and organizations offer funding to cover all or pa...
As you look toward getting your MBA, the view can be overwhelming. Between finding the right program, striving to maintain a work/life/academics balance, and stressing out at the prospect of graduate school, staying focused may begin to feel like one more thing on an endless to-do list. Of all mom...
The MBA, that long-standing signifier of business acumen and leadership potential, continues to hold weight and offer significant benefits in 2019. Specialized business master’s degrees may be growing in number by the day, and columnists and industry critics may question an MBA’s worth, but...
Your desk job might not be giving you room to grow in your career. Maybe sitting in a cubicle punching numbers is putting you to sleep, but you have a passion for business. You get excited when people discuss innovative ideas and creative solutions. Moving up the ranks to an executive’s office might...
There are many ways to write an effective MBA personal statement, and it’s never a bad idea to take a look at MBA essay examples and tips. However, there aren’t many resources to help you identify common errors to avoid. Here are eight things to leave out of your MBA personal statement if you want...